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The 2nd/3rd Grade Week at a Glances can be found by scrolling down on this page. They are set up as a slideshow so it will constantly switch between the 2nd and 3rd grade view. These are updated weekly in real time so that you can see what your child is learning as well as any tests, homework assignments, and spelling list for the week.

Mrs. Ansley’s 2nd & 3rd Math

Hello, my name is Amber Ansley. This year I will be teaching 2nd and 3rd grade Math. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year with all of my students!

Grading PolicyI will take a minimum of 8 daily grades and 2 test grades per six weeks. Graded papers will most likely be sent home at the end of the week, with the exception of tests (which I usually try to grade and send home the day I administer them). If your child does not come home with his or her graded test within a couple of days of taking it, he or she most likely failed and will need to make corrections. Brookeland I.S.D.'s Parent Portal is another extremely helpful way to keep up with your child's grades as they are posted.

Corrections: In the event your child fails a test, he or she will be given 3 days from the date the test is graded to make corrections. Corrections can be made in the morning, between 7:30 and 7:55. If a child does not come to my room to make corrections during the allotted time, the original grade will go in the grade book.

Make-Up Work: Each child will be given 3 days to complete any make-up work that is missed. .Some daily work may be sent home to complete but MUST be returned to receive a grade. Tests will be made up at school only. If a child fails to complete or return make up work, he or she will receive a zero on the assignment(s).

The staff of Brookeland ISD believes that ALL students can learn.  We believe that our school’s purpose is to educate all students to high levels of academic performance while fostering positive growth in social/emotional behaviors and attitudes.  We accept the responsibility to teach all students in a challenging, meaningful way that allows each child to become a literate, contributing adult.  Brookeland ISD is a center for sound learning, academic discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom through advanced course offerings, high academic standards and aggressive, innovative instruction.  The students of Brookeland ISD will excel and compete academically with any students in the country.

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