My name is Denise Smith. I am the Pre-Kindergarten teacher and have been teaching here for 30 years. I love teaching here at Brookeland I.S.D. and am looking forward to having another wonderful year!
My aide is Stephanie Robinson. This is her fourth year to work with Pre-K. She does a wonderful job!
My rules are as follows: We walk. We listen. We share. We clean up. We take care of our school. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
My grading policy is as follows: D-Developed, SD-Still Developing, NI-Not Introduced (This scale is only used on the report card.) On graded papers, I use checks and x's.
My conference period is 8:49-9:37. If you would like to meet with me, please let me know by calling the office and leaving a message or you can write a note to me in your child's agenda.
Make-up Work: Students who miss work in class due to excused absences are permitted to make up that work prior to or within three school days from last absence.