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Mrs. Denise Smith - Welcome!
Blank Teacher
Denise Smith 
409-698-2152 Ext. 206

My name is Denise Smith. I am the Pre-Kindergarten teacher and have been teaching here for 30 years. I love teaching here at Brookeland I.S.D. and am looking forward to having another wonderful year! 

My aide is Stephanie Robinson. This is her fourth year to work with Pre-K. She does a wonderful job!

My rules are as follows: We walk. We listen. We share. We clean up. We take care of our school. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.

My grading policy is as follows: D-Developed, SD-Still Developing, NI-Not Introduced (This scale is only used on the report card.) On graded papers, I use checks and x's.

My conference period is 8:49-9:37. If you would like to meet with me, please let me know by calling the office and leaving a message or you can write a note to me in your child's agenda.

Make-up Work: Students who miss work in class due to excused absences are permitted to make up that work prior to or within three school days from last absence. 




Week of May 20-24, 2024


The song is called the moon.

The question is how can we describe the moon?

Reread Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Review letters E and X and finish letter books. Work in the handwriting book and crafts.




In each subject, review.

Gather up belongings to send home.


Review, play games, work in our summer packet.


Review and play games


Last Day, early release.

Work in our summer packets and have centers.





The staff of Brookeland ISD believes that ALL students can learn.  We believe that our school’s purpose is to educate all students to high levels of academic performance while fostering positive growth in social/emotional behaviors and attitudes.  We accept the responsibility to teach all students in a challenging, meaningful way that allows each child to become a literate, contributing adult.  Brookeland ISD is a center for sound learning, academic discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom through advanced course offerings, high academic standards and aggressive, innovative instruction.  The students of Brookeland ISD will excel and compete academically with any students in the country.

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