Grading Policy, Make-Up and Retake Policies According to District Handbook Policy and Teacher Syllabi
Grading Policy
Per district policy tests will make up 60% of the student's grades while daily work makes up 40%.
Make-Up Work Procedures:
If you are absent it is your responsibility to check Google Classroom’s Agenda and calendar. Students will not be reminded or prompted to obtain their work and it is the student’s responsibility. According to district policy students have 3 days to turn in make-up work from the last date of absence.
Retake Policy
If a student receives a failing grade on a daily assignment or test, they will be given 3 days to retake or correct from the date of return according to handbook guidelines. Furthermore, that assignment cannot exceed a maximum grade of a 70 according to the handbook. I will prompt students once. It is also at the discretion of the teacher to assign detention to get the work done, even if the grade cannot receive a higher grade than a 0. Despite receiving a 0 the student is still responsible for gaining the knowledge required.